Getting to the Finish

17 Miles. That is what I ran today. The longest and by far the most difficult run I have had to date. The first 15 miles went well despite the single digit temperatures and the wind chill that brought the “real feel” into the negatives. The last two miles- a totally different story.

Two miles- each step further than I had ever run before and I could barely move my feet, my legs, my arms. It doesn’t sound like far in the grand scheme of things but it felt like forever. The thing is I could have easily quit. The last two miles is a loop around my house that at any point I could have abandoned and been home in just a few tenths of a mile. I had a phone in my running belt with my husband on standby (afraid of the wind chill I had asked him to be ready to pick me up if need be), I could have quit and called and been home in minutes flat.

With each step though, I thought of my partner, her strength and journey. I thought of other partners I met last year learning to get used to their new “normal.” I thought about how privileged I am to be able to run the Boston Marathon, to get to build relationships with the people in this community. With each step I knew I couldn’t/ wouldn’t quit. There is no way I would have finished that run without them and no way I’ll make the 26.2 either. Never underestimate the importance of the partnership. Together we are strong.

Posted in Uncategorized
4 comments on “Getting to the Finish
  1. Melissa Halstead says:

    Congratulations Lora! I was so excited to see the pictures of you as part of the Boston team this year. Everything you said is right on and I felt the same way. You are going to be amazing! Keep it up. One step at a time.

  2. Maureen McLaughlin says:

    Nice job Lora! Way to hang in there.

  3. Kelly De Angelis says:

    Great job! 17 will now be your new “normal”! You are fantastic! Keep up the hard work!

  4. Sarah yang says:

    Congrats on making it through! Pushing those new limits can be so hard some days!! Even more impressive was completing it in pretty intense weather! Can’t wait to meet up with you guys in April

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