Blog Archives

Running is easy, blogging is hard….

Writing down your thoughts has to be one of the hardest things to do…. Those that know me even in the slightest bit know that I truly enjoy chatting with people. So, writing something for the Running For Rare blog

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Big City Hope

With the New York City Marathon less than two weeks to go, I wanted to share why the Big Apple is such a magic location on my family’s journey with a rare disease. Earlier this year, I had an opportunity to speak on the

Posted in Patient Stories, Running Stories

26.2 Degrees of Keven Bacon

When I think or rare disorders one thing that pops in my head is Kevin Bacon.  It’s an odd thought, but if you’ve heard of him, then you’ve probably heard of the game “6 degrees of Keven Bacon.”  If you

Posted in Running Stories

What is hard?

I am currently training for the NYC marathon and raising money and awareness for Running for Rare. A few weeks ago I was off to meet some friends for my long run. We meet bright and early ready to run

Posted in Running Stories

#Anything is possible

#Anything is possible This past July, I completed my first Ironman in Whistler Canada at Ironman Canada. It is still unbelievable that I was able to finish the 140.6 miles of swimming, cycling and running through the mountains around Whistler

Posted in Running Stories

Never Thought I’d Become a Marathoner, But Here I Am

Hey all! First of all, thank you for taking the time to give me a few minutes of your time to discuss my marathon training and my Community Partner, Tara Notrica. My name is Kaitlin Bartlett, I’m 29 years old

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It All Came Together…

On April 16, 2016, the Running4Rare team came together for the first time as an independent entity working with the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) and the Undiagnosed Diseases Network (UDN).  It was a very special evening for all

Posted in Patient Stories, Running Stories

The Lucky Ones -reposted from Crowdrise

This experience, joining the Running for Rare Disease team, has been about building relationships for me; I am making connections and friendships, and learning from others. I have become closer with some of my co-workers by joining this team and

Posted in Running Stories

Will Run for Coffee

By Jen Melanson with Emma Rooney I am very excited to, once again, be part of the Running for Rare Team, this year as a runner. I’m training to take part in the Providence Half Marathon which is less than

Posted in Patient Stories, Running Stories

My 2016 Run4Rare Challenge

I’m excited about my 3rd year as a Run4Rare marathon runner!  This year, I am honored to be paired with the family of Grace Webster, a loving 8-year old girl with a strong spirit who died after a long struggle with Hypothalmic

Posted in Patient Stories, Running Stories

Welcome to the Running Archive

Archive of posts from Marathon runners dedicated to making a positive impact on the lives of people with serious disease.