Blog Archives

Running is easy, blogging is hard….

Writing down your thoughts has to be one of the hardest things to do…. Those that know me even in the slightest bit know that I truly enjoy chatting with people. So, writing something for the Running For Rare blog

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So, I took the Holidays off from running.  <Eek!>  That’s a whole 2 months off from running (well, a part from a few fun 5Ks…which they don’t really count because is it a training run if you are in costume

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My best friend is my sister.  Growing up, my parents worked different shifts so that someone could always be home with us.  Most nights, while my mom was at work, my dad would be asleep on the couch.  I essentially

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Welcome to the Running Archive

Archive of posts from Marathon runners dedicated to making a positive impact on the lives of people with serious disease.