Blog Archives

#WeRunTogether from Boston to Paris

Watch the video story about Running for Rare Diseases Team coming to Paris.  For over two years now, Emma and I have pursued a “We Run Together” campaign, running many miles together virtually. This includes during last year’s Boston Marathon,

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Wow! How do I say thank you!

It’s hard to believe as I sit here in Oregon experiencing a rare 80 degree day that one week ago today I was at milepost 14.5 in pouring rain experiencing my first marathon and waiting for my partner Lisa to come

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This is not about running. I don’t know how many times we’ve said that, and I feel like I am a prime example, because there’s no way I would do this if it was about running. I do it because

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“March”-ing Through Together

While I often joke that the reason I am running the Boston Marathon is so I can buy one of the jackets, the real reason is I wanted to do that one final thing I had yet to do as

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Sam Vs. VWM

Andrew Hegedus is Sam’s running partner. Here is our story. Sam is happy 4-year old, full of life, quick to laugh and smile. He has a great sense of humor. He is loving, affectionate, grateful and appreciates the little things

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Snow Run

I hate the cold and am not a fan of snow. Hence my getting a membership to Boston University’s FitRec, which features an indoor track. That is where I plan to do the vast majority of my training this winter.

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Trying on the Jersey (aka Singlet)

This past August I saw an announcement on our intranet for Genzyme Running Jerseys. Run a race and get a jersey. I like to run and have been participating in the Running for Rare Disease Relay for a few years

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So, I took the Holidays off from running.  <Eek!>  That’s a whole 2 months off from running (well, a part from a few fun 5Ks…which they don’t really count because is it a training run if you are in costume

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My Promise

A year and a half ago I joined Genzyme.  I had heard of the company and knew the name but before I interviewed with them I didn’t know their mission and the passion people have to find ways to help

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The Most Selfish Thing I’ve Ever Done

This is a letter I wrote to my family and friends (obviously) and decided to share on my personal blog as well as here because I think many others are feeling similar to me – anxious, excited, terrified – at

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Welcome to the Running Archive

Archive of posts from Marathon runners dedicated to making a positive impact on the lives of people with serious disease.