Blog Archives

#WeRunTogether from Boston to Paris

Watch the video story about Running for Rare Diseases Team coming to Paris.  For over two years now, Emma and I have pursued a “We Run Together” campaign, running many miles together virtually. This includes during last year’s Boston Marathon,

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This is not about running. I don’t know how many times we’ve said that, and I feel like I am a prime example, because there’s no way I would do this if it was about running. I do it because

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Overcoming the February Funk

I feel like a broken record complaining about the snow. But for the past 6 weeks, it’s all anyone in Boston has talked about. And as ridiculous as it might sound to complain about something as basic as the weather,

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Snow shoes…not snowshoes

On our first weekly team call last Wednesday I polled the team for some advice on running in the snow, something that I had never done before. I figured who better to ask than a group of runners from Boston?!?

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Snow Run

I hate the cold and am not a fan of snow. Hence my getting a membership to Boston University’s FitRec, which features an indoor track. That is where I plan to do the vast majority of my training this winter.

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Trying on the Jersey (aka Singlet)

This past August I saw an announcement on our intranet for Genzyme Running Jerseys. Run a race and get a jersey. I like to run and have been participating in the Running for Rare Disease Relay for a few years

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So, I took the Holidays off from running.  <Eek!>  That’s a whole 2 months off from running (well, a part from a few fun 5Ks…which they don’t really count because is it a training run if you are in costume

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The Most Selfish Thing I’ve Ever Done

This is a letter I wrote to my family and friends (obviously) and decided to share on my personal blog as well as here because I think many others are feeling similar to me – anxious, excited, terrified – at

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Wanted: Passionate Patient Partners

All of us on the Running for Rare Diseases Marathon Team Board are getting really excited about the new season. For weeks now we have been pouring over the applications of all the runners who want to join us for

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This is What it’s All About

The majority of our 2014 Running for Rare Diseases Boston Marathon Team ran from the Boston Marathon starting line in Hopkinton through mile 21 near Boston College on Saturday. It was the last long training run of the season –

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Welcome to the Running Archive

Archive of posts from Marathon runners dedicated to making a positive impact on the lives of people with serious disease.