Blog Archives


This is not about running. I don’t know how many times we’ve said that, and I feel like I am a prime example, because there’s no way I would do this if it was about running. I do it because

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Howdy from Austin!

I’m Melissa, the resident blogger for the Emerson Austin team. This is the first time that our company has participated with Genzyme and New England Controls in Running for Rare Diseases.  Our team is made up of 11 runners (well

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Overcoming the February Funk

I feel like a broken record complaining about the snow. But for the past 6 weeks, it’s all anyone in Boston has talked about. And as ridiculous as it might sound to complain about something as basic as the weather,

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Snow Run

I hate the cold and am not a fan of snow. Hence my getting a membership to Boston University’s FitRec, which features an indoor track. That is where I plan to do the vast majority of my training this winter.

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Light the Path

I appreciate the solitary nature of running—the way you can just get up and go without needing to form a team. In the same breath, I also know that I would be out jogging far too infrequently, through the winter,

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So, I took the Holidays off from running.  <Eek!>  That’s a whole 2 months off from running (well, a part from a few fun 5Ks…which they don’t really count because is it a training run if you are in costume

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The Most Selfish Thing I’ve Ever Done

This is a letter I wrote to my family and friends (obviously) and decided to share on my personal blog as well as here because I think many others are feeling similar to me – anxious, excited, terrified – at

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This is What it’s All About

The majority of our 2014 Running for Rare Diseases Boston Marathon Team ran from the Boston Marathon starting line in Hopkinton through mile 21 near Boston College on Saturday. It was the last long training run of the season –

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I am running the 2014 Boston Marathon.

That sentence still doesn’t seem real to me. I’m not sure when exactly it will sink in – maybe at the starting line? Running a marathon is something I never in a million years thought I’d be able to do

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Welcome to the Running Archive

Archive of posts from Marathon runners dedicated to making a positive impact on the lives of people with serious disease.