Blog Archives

Wow! How do I say thank you!

It’s hard to believe as I sit here in Oregon experiencing a rare 80 degree day that one week ago today I was at milepost 14.5 in pouring rain experiencing my first marathon and waiting for my partner Lisa to come

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Seizures Won’t Stop Me

April is almost here and I couldn’t be more excited! Soon I will be at the Boston Marathon cheering on my running partner, Lisa V! She’s there today participating in the Charity Run. Many of you probably don’t know that

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Thank you and Happy St. Patty’s Day

  Hi, I want to wish you all a Happy St. Patty’s Day and thank you all for Running for Rare Disease, especially my running partner Lisa V! It took six years before anyone knew what was wrong with me.

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Living with MLD

    Hi, my name is Lindy and I’m a patient partner for this year’s Genzyme Running for Rare Disease Team. Lisa Valaika is my running partner.  I’d like to share with you what it’s like living with a rare

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Welcome to the Running Archive

Archive of posts from Marathon runners dedicated to making a positive impact on the lives of people with serious disease.