Thank you and Happy St. Patty’s Day


Happy St. Patrick's Day


I want to wish you all a Happy St. Patty’s Day and thank you all for Running for Rare Disease, especially my running partner Lisa V! It took six years before anyone knew what was wrong with me. Not knowing is the worse. Those with unknown rare diseases will benefit so much from what you are doing!

Lindy (MLD)


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3 comments on “Thank you and Happy St. Patty’s Day
  1. Lisa Valaika says:

    Awesome picture Lindy! Happy St. Patty’s to you too!!:) Lisa

  2. Phil says:

    Love the Pic Lindy. I got to see Lisa yesterday and she shared with me about how wonderful your partnership growing. I can’t wait to meet you in person in Boston!!

    • Lindy Suhr says:

      I’m excited that you got to see Lisa! I’m really looking forward to seeing her in person and meeting her family! She is a great partner! Thank you for pairing us up. It will be great to meet you in person too!

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