I am so honored and excited to be running in the 2016 Boston Marathon to raise money for NORD. My patient partner this year is Sarah who is diagnosed with fibromuscular dysplasia. As we’ve gotten to know each other, I’ve been inspired by her strength, resilience, and positive attitude. February 29 was Rare Disease Day. Sarah went to Washington, D.C. to represent her fellow patients and all those impacted by rare disease, despite having challenges due to her illness. To learn more about FMD, you can read up about it at http://rarediseases.org/rare-diseases/fibromuscular-dysplasia or on http://www.fmdchat.net.
Training and fundraising this spring have been challenging due to unexpected stresses. Whenever I think about skipping a run or giving up, I think of Sarah and how she is so amazing and resilient. She sent me the quote below about being happy. Nothing could make me happier than having hosted a painting party with new and old friends. As I was preparing to run my longest training run ever a couple of weeks ago (28 miles on the Boston course), I was happy and grateful to be able to do this. Thoughts of Sarah’s resilience and strength kept me going.
Thanks for sharing, love this post and so true