Genzyme Boston Marathon Team Rare Disease Day Virtual 5k for NORD

The Genzyme Boston Marathon Team’s Virtual 5k for NORD is a virtual event on Rare Disease Day to benefit the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) and all those impacted by rare diseases. Event can be completed by anyone, anywhere. Walk, jog, run, bike, move to 5k/3.1 miles for NORD!

Thursday, February 28, 2013 is Rare Disease Day, an internationally recognized initiative coordinated by patient associations such as EURORDIS and NORD and meant to raise awareness about the 6,000 rare diseases that affect more than 60 million people in Europe and the U.S. alone. On Rare Disease Day, Genzyme employees around the world will be participating in numerous activities to celebrate the day, incuding a relay with a cycling event in the Netherlands and running events in Ireland and Massachusetts. To learn more about last year’s event, check out or the relay video on YouTube (

The Rare Disease Day Relay is coordinated by the Genzyme Running Team (GRT) which includes the team that will be running the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013 on behalf of rare disease patients and to raise awareness and funds for the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD). To learn more, visit

The Rare Disease Day Virtual 5k is an event for those who cannot participate in the Rare Disease Day Relay in person or would prefer to participate through an activity other than running.  Since the event is virtual, you can complete it wherever you want, however you want, and whenever you want on February 28th. You can walk, jog, run, bike, or even swim.  You could even use a machine at the gym if that’s what works for you.  Just find an activity you like and set a distance, time, or goal appropriate for you and your activity to accomplish.  We simply ask that you partake in some form of activity on Rare Disease Day in support of all those whose lives are impacted by rare diseases.  We also encourage participants to coordinate with other colleagues to organize a time during the day to complete the event together.  We will be setting up a post/page on the day of the event for you to share comments, posts, and photos on where and how you participated.

You can register for the virtual event by following the link  The proceeds from registration are in support of the Genzyme Boston Marathon team and will benefit the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD). Thank you in advance for your contribution and participation. “Alone we are rare, together we are strong.”

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