Warrior Code Of Honor

Our family came across this beautiful definition of a WARRIOR and thought it would be perfectly fitting to share here with the Running for Rare Disease Warrior team, and the Warrior’s they are running for.

For YOU, the 30 million American’s battling Rare Disease that are all true Warrior’s.  For YOU our son, Warrior Wylder James who battled Niemann Pick A Disease and who followed this code of honor with all his being.  For YOU the Running for Rare Disease team, reminding us all “alone we are rare … together we are strong”.

wylder james may 15 2009- july 20, 2012

wylder james
may 15 2009- july 20, 2012

Warrior Code of Honor

Francis Kealoha Kamakawiwo’ole Jr (aka “The Big Blalah”)

  1. A true Warrior honors his Mother, Father, and Family.
  2. A true Warrior does not participate in things that would bring shame upon his family’s name.
  3. A true Warrior will Protect and Serve his family and community.
  4. A true Warrior will stand tall & proud, yet still be humble.
  5. A true Warrior respects those who have authority over them.
  6. A true Warrior stands for Respect, Honor, and Pride.
  7. A true Warrior is responsible to set an example of Goodness & Pride for those that follow him.
  8. A true Warrior competes in fairness and works hard to bring Honor and Pride upon his family, family’s name, the Society, and his community.
  9. A true Warrior will put others ahead of himself.
  10. A true Warrior strives not only for Physical Strength but also Spiritual Strength 
Wylder in his Boston cozy's fall 2011

Wylder in his Boston cozy’s fall 2011

Wylder in his Boston gear Fall 2011

Wylder in his Boston gear Fall 2011

Aloha, and happy running Warrior’s!! xoxo Laffoon family (www.wylderjames.com)

Posted in Patient Stories

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