Blog Archives

#Boston Strong

It has been ten days since the horrific events that occurred at the Boston Marathon. On the morning of the marathon as a member of the Running for Rare Diseases Team I was feeling excited about the new connections that

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Living with Cowden’s Syndrome

I would like to introduce, Kristin my patient partner who has Cowden’s Syndrome. I am living an amazing life. I have a MBA, I have run marathons, I have completed triathlons, I have lived in Europe, and I am a

Posted in Patient Stories

76 days and counting…

This morning Jessi, Kelsey, Luis, Phil, Sharon and I ran our usual Tuesday morning loop around the Charles River. The run was great as usual but on this snowy morning it made me think about why we are running in

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Welcome to the Running Archive

Archive of posts from Marathon runners dedicated to making a positive impact on the lives of people with serious disease.