Blog Archives

Those Silent Tears #9

March 18, 2015-It’s hard to imagine that in just a few short weeks, it will be the four-year anniversary of being diagnosed and the nine-year anniversary of my entire world being rocked.  It had been a five-year span of multiple diagnoses and toxic

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Those Silent Tears #8

“Un Año Nuevo, Una Vida Nueva,” said one of the doctors years later in English to me. Spring 2008-From time to time, my daughter, at almost 4 years old, would try on my wigs and just laugh innocently as she danced

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Those Silent Tears #7

June 2007 I underwent an abbreviated session of IVIG. I was referred to a Hematologist and underwent my first bone marrow biopsy. I did not know what to expect, so I am assuming I was a bit more relaxed for the

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Thoses Silent Tears #6

January 2007 I became violently ill, extremely weakened and no longer had the balance to even walk. I crawled to get to the bathroom and could only wash off in the bathtub. The EMS calls became more and more frequent.

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Those Silent Tears #5

June 2006 I consulted with a Specialist who was now primarily treating pediatric patients.  I had seen him a few years back for pseudo-anaphylactic episodes and difficulty conceiving.  Little did we know those would eventually become extremely important clues to my ultimate

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Those Silent Tears #4

April 2006 I continued visiting the dermatology office for PUVA treatments about three times a week.  Shortly after treatments began, my scalp began to burn and become extremely sensitive and irritated.  I then had to be prescribed with a topical

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Those Silent Tears-#3

March 31, 2006 This was the first damp, dreary day that was the onset of what would be a series of unfortunate and catastrophic events.  I awoke earlier than usual, as I was assigned to a special project with the

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Those Silent Tears-2

2006-I promised myself I would try to keep a journal of some of the things that transpired as the disease process evolved, but there always seemed to be something that got in the way.  One of my college professors had

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Those Silent Tears

The holiday season was upon us.  It is always such a busy time for everyone, and things just sometimes go unnoticed.  Kids were busy cramming for tests to be taken before the holiday break, parents and siblings were bustling about

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Welcome to the Running Archive

Archive of posts from Marathon runners dedicated to making a positive impact on the lives of people with serious disease.