running for our lives

Once in a blue moon comes a night that takes me out of this broken body. In my night dream I am running. I can feel each capable foot push off the firm believable earth. I can hear the strength of my breathing in reassuring rhythm. I am jubilant in my returned memory of a body whole, firm and radiantly beautiful in its perfect cadence.

It’s true. I still run in my dreams.   In most of my dreams I am completely healthy,  boundless, unfettered, pursuing an active life.  There is always that inevitable moment when the dreaming ends and I place a careful step into the challenges of a new day.

While team genzyme makes running a corner stone of their lives, I have a passion for the creative process. It is a way for me to keep my hand firmly in the “sweet spot” of wholeness and beauty, regardless of how my body feel in any given day. I created a blog some time ago, Recuerda mi Corazon.  This has allowed me a profound connection with other artists and writers  from all over the world.  Recently I introduced you to my readers and they received you warmly. You can read it here

As you dedicate yourselves to running for our lives, I have promised to create something for your auction.  I am still ruminating….and will keep you in the loop as I progress.  Until then, I hope the snow is retreating and exposing all your favorite runs.

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Archive of posts from Marathon runners dedicated to making a positive impact on the lives of people with serious disease.