Blog Archives

#Anything is possible

#Anything is possible This past July, I completed my first Ironman in Whistler Canada at Ironman Canada. It is still unbelievable that I was able to finish the 140.6 miles of swimming, cycling and running through the mountains around Whistler

Posted in Running Stories

RUNning for Rare Zebras!

For the past two years I have been partnered with Emma, a member of the Gaucher community for the Running for Rare team. This year I am very excited to be partnered with the Szajnuk family, who represent the undiagnosed

Posted in Patient Stories

#WeRunTogether from Boston to Paris

Watch the video story about Running for Rare Diseases Team coming to Paris.  For over two years now, Emma and I have pursued a “We Run Together” campaign, running many miles together virtually. This includes during last year’s Boston Marathon,

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We will run 1000 miles

A few days ago, I completed my 1000th mile as a member of the Genzyme Running Team with fellow team members Jessi and Phil. Over the past two years through our weekly Tuesday morning runs in Cambridge, training runs and

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April 15, 2014 – A reflection and why we are running together

It was 1 year ago, today, on April 15, 2013 that the lives of so many people were dramatically changed forever. In the aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombing 4 people had lost their lives, and many others were seriously

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Rare Disease Day Reflections

As Rare Disease Day is coming to a close, I wanted to a share a great audio clip that my patient  partner Emma recorded for rare disease day. Today, I participated in the Rare Disease Day Relay (#GenzymeRelay) here

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Running Tales by Emma

This April, I will be running in the Boston Marathon raising awareness for Rare Diseases, a cause that I am very passionate about. In a previous blog post, my patient partner Emma and I shared our story of how we

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Fairy Tale Finish

By Andrew and Emma We blogged earlier about our “Canada-Germany Running Connection” and thought it was time that we update you on our recent races in Germany. Andrew says: I’m back in Boston since running the Berlin Marathon on September

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Canada-Germany Running Connection

Rare Disease Day takes place on the last day of February to raise awareness of rare diseases and their impact on real people’s daily lives. In 2012, a relay style torch run, linking the work sites of Genzyme in Massachusetts,

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Rare Disease Day Connections

This past February, Emma, a Gaucher Patient, was the guest speaker for the Rare Disease Day events held in Massachusetts. During her visit, Genzyme Employees heard about her Gaucher advocacy project called “My Normal“. Emma developed this program as a

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Welcome to the Running Archive

Archive of posts from Marathon runners dedicated to making a positive impact on the lives of people with serious disease.