Blog Archives

Running is easy, blogging is hard….

Writing down your thoughts has to be one of the hardest things to do…. Those that know me even in the slightest bit know that I truly enjoy chatting with people. So, writing something for the Running For Rare blog

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Never Thought I’d Become a Marathoner, But Here I Am

Hey all! First of all, thank you for taking the time to give me a few minutes of your time to discuss my marathon training and my Community Partner, Tara Notrica. My name is Kaitlin Bartlett, I’m 29 years old

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Wow! How do I say thank you!

It’s hard to believe as I sit here in Oregon experiencing a rare 80 degree day that one week ago today I was at milepost 14.5 in pouring rain experiencing my first marathon and waiting for my partner Lisa to come

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Boston For Bertrand

Where has the year gone?  How can it be that the Boston Marathon is 3 days from now?  Have I done enough training?  Am I ready?!  Do I have all activities covered for the kids?  I need to pack…finish work

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One Person

Several years ago my husband and I went to the JFK Library.  As you leave the museum they shuffle you through the gift shop, like all museums do.  As we wandered through the store I saw this magnet. Today this

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This is not about running. I don’t know how many times we’ve said that, and I feel like I am a prime example, because there’s no way I would do this if it was about running. I do it because

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“March”-ing Through Together

While I often joke that the reason I am running the Boston Marathon is so I can buy one of the jackets, the real reason is I wanted to do that one final thing I had yet to do as

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Challenge Accepted and Met!

    My name is Kelly and I am Bug’s Mom.  I want to share our experience so far… The search for a diagnosis for a rare disease is much like running I suspect. You run a bit each day,

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Songs, playlists, memories… forever

What if you had the opportunity to associate yourself with a song such that every time the song was played the listener envisioned your smiling face?    Over the past two years I have held ‘Playlist Fundraisers’ where co-workers, friends and family

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Overcoming the February Funk

I feel like a broken record complaining about the snow. But for the past 6 weeks, it’s all anyone in Boston has talked about. And as ridiculous as it might sound to complain about something as basic as the weather,

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Welcome to the Running Archive

Archive of posts from Marathon runners dedicated to making a positive impact on the lives of people with serious disease.